New Referees
Thank you for volunteering to become an AYSO Referee!
In order to become a certified Regional Referee, you will to need register as a volunteer, complete a few online courses and attend one in-person course. Let us guide you through the volunteer registration process.
STEP 1 - Complete your volunteer application
▪ Go to Region 7 AYSO Blue Sombrero, and choose “Register now” on the upper right hand corner and create an account.
▪ After signing in, select “Volunteer” on the left hand panel.
▪ Choose “Find Volunteer Roles”, on the next page you will find, under “Programs”, MY24 REFEREE. Click on “View Divisions” and then select "Referee" (the system will automatically register any minors as youth referees).
▪ Continue by clicking on “View Selected Opportunities”. On the next page, select yourself and “Continue”.
▪ Complete the volunteer application (you will need a photo ID, i.e. your drivers license, for verification purposes) and accept the waiver, then “Continue”.
▪ E-sign your volunteer application, then “Continue to Review”.
▪ Last, review your application and “Submit signed volunteer application”.
A Background Check, Risk Status, is to be completed for every volunteer. You should receive an email from Sterling Volunteers, the outfit performing this, to complete the process. There is a processing fee of $25.00 that you may choose to cover, which helps the Region.
STEP 2 – Complete AYSO’s Safe Haven, Concussion Awareness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Certifications
These courses can be found by following the steps below, using SCA as an example.
▪ Go to Region 7 AYSO Blue Sombrero, and click “Volunteer” on the left menu (this short video illustrates the next steps).
▪ Click on the "AYSOU" button located to the right on your name.
▪ Once you are redirected to AYSOU, click on "Training Library" on the left menu.
▪ Select "View Courses" under the Safe Haven category.
▪ Here you will have access to the "Safe Haven", "Sudden Cardiac Arrest" and "Concussion Awareness" courses, that you can take by clicking on the "Enroll" button.
▪ Keep a record, print or digital, of your certificate.
After completing these steps, your Region 7 AYSO Blue Sombrero account should show under My Roles & Certificates, found by selecting “Volunteer” on the left hand panel, the Risk Status Certification as Green and AYSO’s Safe Haven, Concussion Awareness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certifications as Verified.
Please note that it may take some time, a few days, for your certifications to be updated by the system.
You may click on the “Renew & Update” button to upload your certificates.
STEP 3 – Complete SafeSports Training
This training requires volunteers to complete the full course in the first year, which is 90 minutes, and repeated every three years, followed by annual updates in the in-between years, which are 30 minutes.
You will be able to access the SafeSport training by following these instructions:
▪ Go to Region 7 AYSO Blue Sombrero, and click "Volunteer" on the left side menu.
▪ Click on SafeSport box
▪ Click on Renew and Update
▪ A screen will pop up where you will click on the “click HERE” link or copy and paste the URL into your browser to begin training
Note: Youth Volunteers (anyone under the age of majority in your state) are not required to take this training.
STEP 4 – Complete Livescan Fingerprinting
A further requirement is the CA Mandated Fingerprinting, which is required from 'regular volunteers' defined as 'a person who has direct contact with children 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year, which applies to most coaches, referees, team parents, and board members who spend 2 or more hours on the field weekly'. This is a one time requirement. More information can be found at the link below.
STEP 5 – Complete Referee Training
Referee training has both an online and an in-person component. Before attending the in-person portion of the course, you will have to complete the online portion of the course as a mandatory pre-requisite.
▪ Go to AYSOU (this short video illustrates how to get there) and select "Training Library".
▪ Under the "Refereeing" category, click on "View Courses".
▪ Under the "Regional Referee - Online + In-person companion course" category, click "Enroll".
▪ Complete all the chapters in the course.
To register for the in-person class (this video shows how to sign up for the in-person class):
▪ Go to AYSOU (same instructions above) and select "Training Event".
▪ Find a "Regional Referee" course and click on it.
▪ A new page will open with the date and location information for the course. Click on the "Enroll" button.
Referees have to also complete the Player Development Initiative Training by watching the following Build-Out-Line Presentation
Congratulations! You are a Referee! What now?
Once you finished your certifications, there are two websites that will help you carry on your referee duties along the season: RefSchedule and RefAdmin.
This site allows you to self-assign to any scheduled games you are certified to officiate. First, you need to create an account on our scheduling page. You can follow the instructions below.
- Go to
- Hover over “Account Settings”
- Choose “New Account”
- Fill in the required information (indicated by an asterisk)
- Enter “Regional” for your badge
- If you don’t know what team you will represent, enter “BU0 # Unassigned” for the team
- Click Update
Once the season begins, scheduled games will be posted on this website. In the calendar, look for a date that has an underline and click on it. A list of scheduled games will appear. Any slot that shows the "Available" link represents a spot you can sign up for (CR: Center Referee; AR: Assistant Referee). Click on this link and a dialog box will ask you to confirm your assignment. Click "Yes" and you're done! You can always access this page to remind you the time and location of your scheduled games.
RefAdmin has all the information you will need to know once you have become a certified referee. Here you will be able to declare yourself as a team referee, keep track of your referee points, and also find all the policies, forms, and all other documents and links that will help you perform your duties as an AYSO referee. If you'd like to also access all your refereeing stats for all the seasons you have been a Region 7 referee, please email the administrator to get your account set up.
Referee declarations for team referees are now open. To view all declarations, please click here